Case Study #1

Collective contract between agrarian cooperative and farmer members


The contract case is regulated under the 2014 EU Rural Development Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013), but is specifically being implemented in the Netherlands. Since 2016, only joint applications (through agrarian/nature collectives) have been eligible for subsidies for agri-environmental management. The agrarian collective submits a ‘territorial application’ that specifies which agri-environmental activities the collective (and its members) will perform in their territory, and how these will contribute to the realization of the goals of the provincial nature management plan. Collective subsidies will be granted only after the territorial application has been approved by the province. In this case, Noardlike Fryske Wâlden (NFW) is the agrarian collective that on behalf of its members submits territorial applications for agri-environmental subsidies and makes agreements with farmer-members on agri-environmental management practices and remuneration. NFW, the EFFECT practice partner for this case study, is beyond its membership well- connected with regional stakeholders. EFFECT will investigate the performance of the contracts and effectiveness of the schemes. Qualitative and quantitative data will be collected through in-depth interviews with farmers and NFW.