Workshop: Legal aspects of the value chain contracts

30 May 2022, 09:30-11:30

Fostering the provision of environmental benefits by farmers

Workshop: Legal aspects of the value chain contracts

The workshop focuses on legal aspects of the value chain contracts to foster the provision of environmental benefits by farmers. The event is organised by CONSOLE project, a sister project of EFFECT.
Click on this link to join the webinar.

The objectives of the workshop are:

  • to understand the role that value chain contracts could play in fostering the provision of environmental benefits by the farming sector
  • to identify legal issues related to the implementation of such value chain contracts
  • to reveal existing obstacles and potential levers for a broader uptake of such value chain contracts.



  • Welcome and presentation of the Workshop– value chain contract solutions in CONSOLE – Alexandra Langlais (CNRS, University of Rennes, France)
  • Indications of the main legal issues (guidelines questions) – Michael Cardwell (University of Leeds, UK)


  • How to ensure a fair share for farmers in value chain contracts with specific environmental requirements?Paulo GOUVEIA – Chief Policy Advisor, Copa–Cogeca


  • Sustainability labelling for more sustainable agri-food-supply chains: risks and opportunitiesPamela LATTANZI, Full Professor of Agricultural Law, Department of Law, University of Macerata


  • Antitrust law and agro-environmental sustainabilityLuigi RUSSO, Full Professor of Agricultural Law, Department of Environment and Prevention Sciences, University of Ferrara


  • Discussion, moderated by Tania Runge (Thünen Institute of Rural Studies, Germany)